Redcliffe North Weather Forecast
- 22
- 28
Very windy. Showers
- 21
- 27
Cyclone expected
- 23
- 27
Rain. Possible heavy falls
- 23
- 26
- 22
- 27
Shower or two
- 22
- 27
Shower or two
- 22
- 27
Shower or two
Today 6 Mar Southeast Coast
Cloudy. Very high chance of rain. The chance of a thunderstorm. Heavy falls possible about the southern border ranges. Destructive wind gusts exceeding 130 km/h possible depending on movement and development of Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Overnight temperatures falling to between 19 and 22 with daytime temperatures reaching the mid to high 20s.
Moreton Bay
- Wind
- Above 48 knots possible depending on movement and development of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
- Weather
- Cloudy. Near 100% chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm, possibly severe.
- Weather Situation
- Tropical Cyclone Alfred [981 hPa] is moving towards the southeast coast and is generating severe coastal hazards south of Sandy Cape. Tropical Cyclone Alfred is likely to cross the coast on Friday morning, weakening overland from Friday and dissipating on the weekend. A ridge will extend over the south Queensland waters from Saturday as a high moves east across the Tasman Sea.
Redcliffe North Temperature Statistics View More
March Temperature
Redcliffe (2km)
Lowest 4 March, 2025
21.4 °CAverage March
25.6 °CHighest 3 March, 2025
31.2 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Redcliffe (2km)
Average Low 2020–2025
17.2 °CAverage 2020–2025
21 °CAverage High 2020–2025
25.5 °C