Rainbow Bay Beach Weather Forecast
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Cyclone expected
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Rain. Possible heavy falls
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Shower or two
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Shower or two
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Shower or two
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Shower or two
Today 8 Mar Gold Coast
Cloudy. Very high chance of rain. The chance of a thunderstorm. Destructive wind gusts exceeding 130 km/h and heavy rainfall leading to flash flooding possible depending on movement and development of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Gold Coast Waters
Cape Moreton to Point Danger- Wind
- Above 48 knots expected due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
- Weather
- Cloudy. 95% chance of rain. Rain heavy at times. The chance of a thunderstorm.
- Caution
- Large and powerful surf conditions are expected to be hazardous for coastal activities such as crossing bars by boat and rock fishing.
Rainbow Bay Beach Temperature Statistics View More
March Temperature
Coolangatta (4km)
Lowest 1 March, 2025
18.8 °CAverage March
23.9 °CHighest 1 March, 2025
30 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Coolangatta (4km)
Average Low 2020–2025
16.2 °CAverage 2020–2025
20.3 °CAverage High 2020–2025
25.4 °C