Little Mountain Campground Weather Forecast
- 19
- 23
Rain. Possible heavy falls
- 18
- 25
Shower or two
- 18
- 23
Shower or two. Windy
- 16
- 23
Shower or two
- 15
- 20
Shower or two
- 15
- 27
Partly cloudy
- 15
- 27
Partly cloudy
Today 29 Mar Hunter
Cloudy. Very high chance of rain, most likely in the morning and afternoon. The chance of a thunderstorm. Heavy falls possible. Winds northeast to southeasterly 15 to 20 km/h tending north to northeasterly in the evening then becoming light in the late evening. Overnight temperatures falling to between 16 and 19 with daytime temperatures reaching between 19 and 23.
Little Mountain Campground Temperature Statistics View More
March Temperature
Williamtown RAAF Base (23km)
Lowest 18 March, 2025
15 °CAverage March
22.8 °CHighest 16 March, 2025
35.3 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Williamtown RAAF Base (23km)
Average Low 2020–2025
13.2 °CAverage 2020–2025
17.9 °CAverage High 2020–2025
23.6 °C