Werri Beach Weather Forecast
- 19
- 25
Mostly clear
- 19
- 28
- 20
- 29
Partly cloudy
- 21
- 29
Mostly sunny
- 22
- 32
Mostly sunny
- 19
- 25
Shower or two
- 14
- 21
Today 12 Mar Illawarra
Mostly clear. Slight chance of a shower in the north, near zero chance elsewhere. Light winds.
Illawarra Coastal Waters
Port Hacking to Ulladulla- Wind
- Northeasterly about 10 knots.
- Seas
- Below 0.5 metres.
- 1st Swell
- Southerly 1 to 1.5 metres.
- Weather
- Mostly clear.
- Weather Situation
- A high pressure system over the Tasman Sea extends a ridge along the NSW coast, maintaining generally northeasterly winds over the next couple of days. A cold front will slip to the south of the state midweek, with its associated trough bringing a weak southerly change along the South Coast during Thursday and Friday before weakening. North to northeasterly winds are forecast to strengthen later in the week as the high pressure system in the Tasman Sea deepens, ahead of the next cold front that looks set to bring a southerly change along the coast later in the weekend and into early next week.
Werri Beach Temperature Statistics View More
March Temperature
Kiama (Bombo Headland) (9km)
Lowest 8 March, 2025
18.1 °CAverage March
21.8 °CHighest 1 March, 2025
27.5 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Kiama (Bombo Headland) (9km)
Average Low 2020–2025
14.7 °CAverage 2020–2025
17.7 °CAverage High 2020–2025
21.2 °C