Australia Weather News

Fiona Prentice captured the rainbow phenomenon from her backyard in Palmerston. - ABC

It's a vision of pure glory: thick banks of cloud and a setting sun lighting up the sky in colours from pastel pink to chimney red.

In Darwin's steamy wet season, it is not uncommon to find people gazing outwards from camp chairs on the shoreline, where the open harbour mouth offers uninterrupted views of these vivid light displays over rippled water.

And on Sunday night locals were treated to another atmospheric phenomenon when a rainbow briefly appeared between layers of stormy cloud.

Unsurprisingly, there is much more to these vivid vistas than meet the eye.

"They're very visually pleasing but the science behind it is quite complex," meteorologist Jackson Browne said.

Mr Browne, who said he had always had an inquisitive, curious mind, began to "tease apart what makes a sunset tick" while studying to become a meteorologist.

"It brings together the science of the very, very small — down to the atomic level — up to the size of the distance between here and the Sun.

"The time that that light ray has taken from the centre of the Sun is 50,000 years, and once it leaves the Sun's surface it's another eight-and-a-half minutes to us.

"And then it does all sorts of fantastic stuff once it travels through the atmosphere and eventually reaches the eyeball."

Red sky at night

Once this light enters the atmosphere, certain gases begin to block parts of the spectrum of wavelengths that sunlight carries.

These wavelengths are associated with different colours, meaning some are filtered out before we even see them. Others are invisible to the human eye.

"When it comes down to visible wavelengths — what you and I can see — the light of a shorter wavelength — so blue — interacts more strongly with the atmosphere and it tends to get scattered away from that light path," Mr Browne said.

But as the Sun sets, and the path those blue wavelengths travel to reach our eyes becomes up to 40 times longer, a corresponding shift in colour takes place.

"Think of it as an extinction of the blue colour as the light travels through the atmosphere," Mr Browne explained.

"All of that blue light's eliminated as far as our eyes can see and we end up with a very red sunset."

This is why the sky appears bluest at solar noon, when the Sun's rays are closest to us and blue wavelengths are only travelling the shortest distance.

Layers of cloud a 'canvas for the sunset to project on'

So why are spectacular sunsets so common during the wet season?

According to Mr Browne, one reason is that the frequent thunderstorms and accompanying rain have a way of vacuuming pollutants out of the lower parts of the atmosphere.

"Particulates — when I talk about particulates I mean dust and haze and smoke — can tend to get lifted up into the atmosphere," he said.

"So if you get a thunderstorm maybe two hours before the sunset and it just cleanses the atmospheric column, so to speak, when you get that sunset coming through it'll be really quite vibrant."

Additionally, clouds are much friendlier to the wavelengths that produce those vivid reds.

"It reflects all colours equally, so having mid to upper-level cloud can really act as a canvas for the sunset to project on."

Another legacy of a good storm is the mammatus cloud, a pouch-like formation often attached to larger clouds after a thunderstorm.

These allow for fascinating variations of colour.

Got it. So what's behind the rainbow in the clouds?

The answer to Sunday's rainbow cloud came from talkback caller Mick, who told ABC Radio Darwin's Richard Margetson that such occurrences were somewhat common but fleeting in Darwin's skies.

"It's called iridescence or irisation," he said.

"It's the same as a rainbow, basically. The sun just reflects through the little water vapour, generally up the top of the clouds, or ice crystals."

These vapour drops are especially tiny, meaning the sunlight that diffracts off them is especially spread out. They are especially common after thunderstorms.

It is a lot to take in, but Mr Browne said all this knowledge enhanced rather than distracted from his enjoyment of a wet season sunset.

"If I'm sitting there enjoying the sunset, I'm thinking about all the physical processes that take place in order for me to see that.

"It's just little scientific tidbits that just pop into my head while I'm enjoying my feed down at Mindil."